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espace detente
Les jeux carnivores :
Le pendu
Puzzles glissants

Non carnivore mais conservé suite à vos demandes :

Un grand classique


Version imprimable  Version imprimable


Why becoming a member?


Your joining will give you an access to all our society's services:
take part in our visits in natural surroundings, and botanical gardens,
take part in our visits in exhebitions,
borrow the equipement acquired by our society (to be come!),
an access to the photographic library on CD,
possibility for the plants to be taken care of during hollidays,
an access ti the older society members' good informations,
ahelp at the begining for the beginners with seeds and little plants' donnation,
bulked orders to producers.

Thanks to the subscriptions, donations, and exhibitions' receipts, our society can acquire equipement which can be used by everyone. Those investments are voted during meetings, so it's your choice! Have an access to the members' classified advertisements and give yours. You will receive one bulletin a year, at laest, which is made up with articles, news, classified advertisements, advices, and lots of other things. According to the means, the society contribute to make easier visits and movings for events in France and in foreign countries.

Our little services

We are not like the other, nor are you... For your first joining, we will send you:
a documentation on our society and our activities (under way),
a mailing list of all the amateurs you can get in touch with if you need advices or if you want to swap plants,
and other surprises...

Your opinion is important

We give greater place to communication and mutual aid. In order to avoid failures by a lack of experience, or advices. In our society, everyone is ready to advise you, and help you, so don't hesitate to get in touch with one of us.
Everyone's opinion and suggestions are important, we are listening to you, that makes the society dynamic and reactive.
This society is not ours, but yours.

Why an Alsatian Society?

That helps the members to be in touch. We give importance to meetings and exchanges between the members; that would be more difficult in a national society. Our society has the advantages to be under local laws and not under the 1901's law, which permit mare adaptability in it's working. The nearness to the Vosges allows us to do many visits in natural surroundings a year, and the advantage to be close to Switzerland and Germany permit movings for international events and eventually visits to foreign producers, not too expensive.

Copyright © par Rossolis. Tous droits réservés.
Publié le: 2004-11-10, dernière modification le: 2004-11-10 (4594 lecture(s))

Conteudo ©